Sunday, 19 July 2015

A Disturbing New Document About Bill Cosby Comes To Light


The New York Times just released a deposition of a ten-year-old court case against comedian Bill Cosby, and it paints the funnyman in a very scary light.

The almost 1,000-page transcript, released Saturday night, provides more detail into Cosby's pursuit of what he called "rendezvous" with women over the past few decades. In it, Cosby provides specific details about his calculated pursuit of Andrea Constand, the woman in question in this particular deposition who alleged being drugged and molested by Cosby.
This deposition came out in the first place when a federal judge unsealed a memorandum on Constand's 2006 case two weeks ago. That memorandum contained portions of the larger deposition, which the New York Times eventually obtained in full through a court reporting service.
According to the Times, Cosby was a smooth operator, at least with Constand:
"Early on in his courtship, he arranged an intimate meal alone with her at his Pennsylvania home, complete with Cognac, dimmed lights and a fire, he said. At one point he led her to his back porch, out of sight from his chef. 'I take her hair and I pull it back and I have her face like this,' he said [in the deposition]. 'And I'm talking to her …And I talked to her about relaxing, being strong. And I said to her, come in, meaning her body.'"
Cosby claimed the two didn't have sex at that moment, apparently because he didn't want the women he pursued to fall in love with him (!):
"Mr. Cosby said he tended to refrain from intercourse because he did not want women to fall in love with him. To him, he said, the act of sexual intercourse 'is something that I feel the woman will succumb to more of a romance and more of a feeling, not love, but it's deeper than a playful situation.' As far as he and Ms. Constand went, he said, they were 'playing sex, we're playing, petting, we're playing.'"
Yet several years later, things changed one night at his home when Constand felt stressed:
"Mr. Cosby said he gave her one and a half tablets of Benadryl to relieve stress, they kissed and had sexual contact. Her lawyer said she believed it was a much more powerful drug. Some time later, after Ms. Constand had moved home to Canada, Mr. Cosby spoke with Ms. Constand's mother on the telephone. The mother, he said, was upset about what her daughter said Mr. Cosby had done, describing the experience as 'a mother's nightmare.'"
Cosby turned the sex back on Constand, alleging that since she had an orgasm, it was conensual sex — which is crazy.
Then, concerned she'd still get the wrong idea about it, he paid her off anyways:
"During the call, Mr. Cosby told the deposing lawyers, he wanted Ms. Constand to tell her mother 'about the orgasm' so that she would realize it was consensual. 'Tell your mother about the orgasm. Tell your mother how we talked,' he said he remembered thinking. Subsequently, concerned that Ms. Constand and her mother might seek to embarrass him, he said he offered to help pay for Ms. Constand's further education."
The deposition goes on to discuss how Cosby hid the extramarital sex from his wife, Camille, as well as more sexual partners he had in cities across the country.

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